Hello everybody! My name is Alexi and I am the founder and leader of the Cute-Creatures-Clan :3
Here you can find some further information about me, if you're interested of course :)
Main Username:
KameeManee (former username Sylviparda)
Sylvi, Sylvie, Kamee, Alexi, and Lexi
PokeLexi, Feelipix, Panthera Felidae (old)
Day of Birth:
12th January 1994
Home Country:
Spoken Languages:
Swiss German (First Language)
Old occupation: Nurse
Latest occupation: Assistant bookkeeper and sociologist
Hobbies: (Caution! Very geeky xD)
Creating/adopting characters, writing bios, Gaming, drawing, cosplaying, visiting conventions, watching movies, taking and editing photographs, collecting (mainly plush toys and costumes), being a furry, fursuiting, working on own projects, spending time with family/friends/boyfriend, going out, partying, clubbing, listening to music, reading, chilling and going outside for walks
Favourite Animals:
Cats, big cats, foxes, wolves, giraffes, pigs, snails, (unicorns and dragons :p)
Favourite Colours:
Yellow, pink, light blue, mint green
Favourite Times of the Day:
Dusk and night
Some Other Random Stuff about Me:
I am a passionate Furry and character owner/creator
I am a Vegetarian
I love leopard print (only the print never real fur of course!)
I adore cute things and plushies <3
I am taken and I love my sweetheart to bits <3