
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Angelique


Name Meaning: The name "Angelique" has French origins and means "angelic" or "angel-like"


Species: Angel-otter


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 8th December


Age Group: Middle-aged


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Light


Shoulder Height: 22 cm


Weight: 4 kg


Love Partner: None


Children: None


Character Traits:

  • Cordial

  • Great listener

  • Deferential

  • Helpful

  • Fancy

  • Genteel

  • Noble-minded

  • Quite mysterious

  • Oracular

  • A bit odd



  • Angelique is excellent at flying and can fly particularly high and far

  • She has the amazing ability to predict the future and can see into the past of almost every other feral creature

  • She has the incredible ability to influence other creature's dreams, but she only does so to vanish nightmares, to help others and/or to simply make them feel better

  • She can produce and emit light form her whole body. That way she can lighten up the night in many different colours

  • She is quite a good swimmer and diver and she can hold her breath for up to eight minutes

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • Unlike other otters, she can see almost all existing colours. She can even see quite well in the dark



  • She can only see the past and predict the future of feral and not of anthropomorphic beings. Fortunately, she can work together with her best friend Kristalline, for whom the opposite is true: Kristalline can only read these things in anthropomorphic beings. This makes them a perfect match, allowing them to complement each other and address the needs of many different beings by working together

  • Seeing the future and past from certain creatures has its downside. Like, when she sees a dark past or a dreadful future. But she will try to help the affected creature as good as she can to overcome the negativity of the past or to prevent potential bad happenings in the future

  • Angelique can sometimes come across as somewhat peculiar and mysterious. She occasionally has a tendency to convey her predictions in a somewhat enigmatic manner, which can confuse, concern, or even irritate those involved. However, she never does this intentionally, it's just her way. Fortunately, her best friend Kristalline is always there to help her express herself more clearly in such situations



  • Fortune-telling

  • Seeing the past

  • Helping others with her predictions and readings

  • Listening to the descriptions, experiences and wishes of other beings

  • Her family and friends, especially her best friend Kristalline

  • Making mysterious and oracular predictions

  • A polite and genteel behaviour

  • Jewellery and other pretty and sparkling things

  • The sky and flying

  • Lakes, rivers, swimming and diving



  • Negative future predictions

  • Dark pasts

  • Not being able to help creatures in need

  • Impatience and hastiness

  • Being misunderstood

  • Negative criticism regarding her predictions

  • Not being able to wear her jewellery for a longer period of time

  • Any kind of violence

  • Bad manners and poor behaviour

  • Faded and dull things and places


Further Information:

  • Angelique was born in the Land of Eternal Light. A heavenly and placid land full of very high mountains and full of angel-like and/or feathered-winged creatures. Here, the sky reigns above all. This land is in a state of eternal light, thus, the sun never sets in this land. In her homeland, she grew up together with Kristalline, her still best friend. A few years ago, both moved to the Land of Eternal Dusk and there, they share a charming little treehouse near a mystical lake together. Originally, the two intended to live there temporarily and then return to their old homeland, but over time, they became increasingly fascinated by the vibrant Land of Eternal Dusk and quickly realised that they would have much success with fortune-telling, their dearest passion, there. Therefore, they decided to settle down permanently

  • She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. As already stated multiple times, Angelique and Kristalline are best friends and they work together as successful fortune-tellers

  • She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is an otter. Her favourite foods are algae, vegetables, fruits and nuts


Angelique belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Angelique was drawn, designed and adopted from anouki.adopts