
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki

Arcus Pluvius

Nepheli/Rainbow Dog


The planet "Arcus Pluvius," which exists in a different dimension, also has a kind of divine and immortal being called "Doccult". This unique term is a combination of the words "dog" and "occult", signifying its supernatural and hidden nature. The planet's Doccult can be considers the equivalent of the "Mysticats" of Tempus Lux. However, it appears that there is only one such being on Arcus Pluvius, unlike the latter, where there are several. The Doccult is also known as "Nepheli" or simply "Rainbow Dog". The name "Nepheli" has Greek origins and means "cloud". Other than the Mysticats does Nepheli have a gender and consideres herself as female. Similar to the Mysticats, it is believed that Nepheli is almost as old as its home planet and is responsible for certain phenomena and occurrences on the planet. It is speculated that Arcus Pluvius was initially a colourless, black-and-white coloured planet, but thanks to Nepheli, who supposedly emerged from a cloud in an unknown and magical way, it transformed into the beautiful and colourful planet we admire today. It is even believed that if Nepheli were to leave the planet for any reason, its colours and those of its inhabitants would slowly fade away. This would be a sheer horror for them, as these colours are of utmost importance to them. They bring joy and happiness and provide them with special energy. Without them, everything would wither and become dreary. Therefore, the "Rainbow Dog" is highly honoured and respected by the inhabitants of Arcus Pluvius. Nepheli is very intelligent and wise and has the ability of speech and even telepathy. However, she is very mysterious and only appears in emergencies, such as when the planet and its inhabitants are in danger. She is a beautiful and noble creature resembling a Cocker Spaniel dog, completely made of a fluffy cloud. On her back, there is a beautiful rainbow shining in the typical colors of the rainbow, starting or ending near the armpits of her front legs. She has blue eyes, and her rainbow sparkles in the sunlight. When night falls, her cloud-like body turns into various shades of purple and pink, sparkling everywhere like a starry sky. Her eyes turn pink with star-shaped highlights. Depending on the lunar cycle, her rainbow changes: During full moon and waxing moon phases, it resembles a crescent moon. During new moon or waning moon phases, it shows more pastel-like colours





















Nepheli the Doccult belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Nepheli was adopted from holuna (Toyhouse) and was created by Frootcube (Toyhouse)

All images were created by holuna (Toyhouse)

Tempus Lux is not the only planet inhabited by my OC's. In fact, there is another planet that exists in a completely different dimension. It is located in a kind of "parallel universe." This planet is called "Arcus Pluvius." This distinctive name comes from Latin and means "rainbow." The attributes of Tempus Lux are almost identical on this planet or in this dimension, with the only difference being the distribution of light, which is identical to that of our Earth. Therefore, there are no eternal daytime conditions like at Tempus Lux. The uniqueness of Arcus Pluvius lies in its beautiful colouring, as this planet shines in the most beautiful rainbow colours. Just like on our planet Earth, there are different climates and topographies there. However, much is still unknown about this unique planet.


The following characters inhabit it:




















Rein Beau

The Mysticats are not the only ones, the Phanthera also have some kind of equivalent on Arcus Pluvius: The name of this being is Rein Beau, and he is a male anthropomorphic serval. He too can be regarded as a protector of his planet and as an ambassador and helper of Nepheli. Unlike Tempus Lux, there is only one such being on Arcus Pluvius. Furthermore, there is no special designation for him like "Phanthera" for instance, he is simply referred to as "Rein Beau". A very special name that sounds like "rainbow" in English pronunciation. Moreover, both names have deeper meanings. His first name, "Rein", stands for "advice" or "counsel", reflecting his role as a helper and advisor. His second name, "Beau", comes from French and means "handsome" or "beautiful", referring to the beauty of a radiant rainbow. He is a very handsome being adorned in several places with rainbows, clouds, and stars. He has heterochromia, meaning his two eyes are differently coloured: his left eye is blue and his right eye is orange. Rein Beau is caring, protective, very loyal, and great-hearted. He does everything for his beloved home planet and its inhabitants. However, he is considered extremely mysterious and enigmatic. No one knows when he was born, let alone how old he is. Many suspect he is immortal, like Nepheli. He is capable of floating or flying through the sky, and wherever he goes or flies, he leaves behind a beautiful rainbow trailing after him. He shines and sparkles in the most beautiful colours, and many envy his beauty and loyalty, however, he is always respected and honoured


Rein Beau belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Rein Beau was drawn, designed and adopted from xak (Toyhouse)

Base used by dynavera