
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki

Attributes of Tempus Lux

  • Not a single human being can be found on Tempus Lux. But there are beings that are more human-like, so called anthropomorphic creatures

  • Every strongly marked anthropomorphic creature is actually a human being from either a different dimension and/or time, that's why these creatures are more human-like than other beings

  • Light is differently distributed on Tempus Lux. The amount of light that reaches the surface of the planet depends on the location, thus it depends on spatial and not temporal factors

  • There are different lifestyles:

    • The more "civilized" lifestyle

    • The more natural lifestyle

    • A hybrid of the two lifestyles

  • There are no such things as wars or weapons

  • On Tempus Lux, something akin to a "barter system" exists. Just like in our world, services, products, etc., are offered, but they are not sold using monetary means. Instead, they are traded for a variety of things. In this barter system, there are virtually no limits; objects, food, or even specific magical energies are exchanged. Many beings do not ask for anything in return for their services and goods, and they happily give them away as gifts. In this sense, there is no wealth or poverty on Tempus Lux. All beings are considered equal to one another

  • None of the creatures will ever be eaten, the diet of the whole population is fully plant-based

  • The creatures do not have any reproductive organs. They reproduce by using a special kind of magical energy. There are two types of reproduction:

    • Between female and male beings:

      • Reproduction occurs as follows: When two anthropomorphic beings or two feral beings deeply love each other and decide to have offspring, their bodies generate a special kind of energy that strengthens their bond. They begin to cuddle or embrace closely. During this intimate contact, their unique energies blend together. This mix of energy then enters the female's body, leading to a sort of "pregnancy" that varies in duration depending on the species. When the offspring is ready to be born, the female experiences a distinctive feeling that is incredibly warm and pleasant. The pregnancy belly then begins to glow brightly, and within seconds, the offspring is born. This process is completely painless

    • Between same-sex or genderless beings:

      • Reproduction occurs as follows: In this special process, the same unique reproductive energy is involved. However, instead of a "pregnancy," the blended energy from the two beings gathers outside the bodies and forms one or more eggs. The species does not matter—eggs are the only outcome for this form of reproduction. The incubation period varies depending on the species. When the offspring is ready to hatch, the egg begins to glow brightly and within seconds, the new life emerges

  • An anthropomorphic and a feral being cannot fall in love with each other and, therefore, cannot produce offspring together

  • The transmission of genetic information and the nature of genes in general are markedly different on Tempus Lux compared to ours. While dominant and recessive genes exist and certain traits are inherited, there is much greater variety and randomness on Tempus Lux. Offspring can exhibit completely different colours and patterns from their parents or various interspecies hybrids can be created, such as a cat-fox hybrid or a being with many traits from different species. The same applies to breeds. Here’s an example to illustrate the various possibilities, which are quite random in nature: A cat/dog hybrid can have the following offspring with a wolf/fox hybrid:

  1. A "pure" species can occur: cat, dog, wolf, fox

  2. New hybrids can occur: cat/wolf, cat/fox, dog/wolf, dog/fox

  3. The same hybrids can remain: cat/dog, wolf/fox

  4. Further mixed hybrids can occur: cat/dog/wolf/fox, cat/wolf/fox, cat/dog/fox and so forth

  5. At very rare occasions some generations can be skipped and "hidden" species can emerge, like cat/fox/lion hybrid

  • The creatures do not nurse and therefore do not have any nursing organs such as nipples. However, there are anthropomorphic beings that have something similar to breasts, but they never have nipples and they do not have any sexual significance or anything similar

  • The creatures do not have any excretory organs. The food they consume is immediately and completely converted into magical energy within their bodies. Drinking, much like for us, is also vital for these beings, as it aids the body in the transformation process. Water is fully absorbed by their bodies and thus does not need to be excreted

  • Just like in our world, diseases and other physical ailments do occur on Tempus Lux. However, since there are fortunately many beings with magical healing powers, these ailments can usually be easily cured. Also, the beings cannot be severely injured, as each one is equipped with a magical shield that protects them from any serious injuries. Not all beings on this planet possess the great gift of immortality; the majority are considered "mortal." In the truest sense, however, this process cannot be seen as "dying" because the bodies of the beings dissolve magically and are subsequently reborn in another dimension or universe. The soul always remains, only the body changes—sometimes it is similar to the previous one, and other times it is entirely different. The inhabitants of Tempus Lux are aware of this, and while they do mourn such a "transition to another dimension," they also hope for the best for the new life of the departed being. There is no such thing as decay on Tempus Lux, it's more like a "magical dissolution", which only takes a few seconds

  • The same rules apply to Arcus Pluvius and all the other planets which were introduced here, with the exception of the distribution of the light, this is a Tempus Lux only attribute