
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki



Name: Dandelion


Name Meaning: The "Dandelion" is a distinctive yellow flower which is known for their clocks which despise in the wind or when being actively blown away


Species: Asiatic lion


Gender: Male


Day of Birth: 5th April


Age Group: Adult


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dusk


Shoulder Height: 118 cm


Weight: 177 kg


Love Partner: None


Children: None


Character Traits:

  • Amiable

  • Nature lover

  • "Green-pawed"

  • Very devoted

  • Passionate

  • Generous

  • Modest

  • Hard-wearing

  • Hardworking

  • Quite the workaholic



  • Thanks to his special magical abilities, Dandelion can conjure a wide variety of flowers. His repertoire includes several hundred flower species native to his homeland. He can only generate flowers that exist in the Land of Eternal Dusk and that he knows, meaning flowers he has seen in person before. There are two ways he can create flowers out of nothing: either planted in the ground or loose, meaning already picked. The latter method requires less magical energy. In one day, with his full magical energy level, Dandelion can summon up to one hundred loose flowers or fifty planted ones. However, there is one exception: dandelions. This type of flower can be generated at any time without any energy expenditure, regardless of whether they are loose or planted. Dandelion uses his extraordinary ability as a florist. He and his best friend Zick-Zack own and run a charming little flower shop, which is very successful and well-known throughout the land.  Directly next to the flower shop is a beautiful, large flower garden where the two cultivate a wide variety of native flower species

  • His fur has a particularly pleasant scent. It always smells like fresh dandelions and a fresh spring breeze

  • He possesses chloroplasts, which allow him to perform photosynthesis, which also means that he is able to gain energy by either eating or photosynthesis

  • For a plant-like being, he is extremely resilient. He withstands both heat and cold remarkably well. However, he personally prefers more moderate temperatures and avoids the two extremes as much as possible

  • He is an exceptionally skilled and passionate florist. Together with Zick-Zack, he lovingly and devotedly tends to the large flower garden next to their flower shop. Their efforts pay off, as their flowers are renowned for being particularly beautiful and healthy

  • He has the ability of speech and he speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course he is able to interact with his fellow species and other animals and creatures. He can even translate to a certain extent

  • He is able to see in the dark and, unlike other lions, he can see almost all existing colours



  • He can't simply "turn off" his fresh Dandelion scent, making it difficult for him to hide for example

  • He'll always need enough water and sunlight supply. If he doesn't get enough of either of them he will get seriously sick

  • He is a true nature lover and enjoys being outdoors in the fresh air, surrounded by his beloved flowers in the garden. If he is forced to stay indoors for an extended period of time, due to bad or dangerous weather conditions for example, it can be very distressing for him and, in the worst case, even lead to feelings of depression

  • He is quite the workaholic, investing a lot of time and energy into his and Zick-Zack's flower shop and garden. This often leads to him overexerting himself, which can negatively impact his health and well-being over time. On the other hand, he becomes quite stressed if he is unable or not allowed to work there for an extended period, such as when he is ill. Finding the right work-life balance is therefore sometimes a challenge for Dandelion. Fortunately, he is not alone, Zick-Zack is always there for him. He does his best to help him with these problems and reminds him to take care of himself as well



  • Flowers, especially Dandelions

  • His and Zick-Zack's flower shop and garden

  • Working

  • Giving his best

  • Being outdoors and in nature

  • To lovingly take care of the flower garden

  • His family and friends, especially his best friend Zick-Zack

  • Sharing his lovely flowers with others

  • Mild and not too extreme temperatures

  • Spring and Autumn



  • Hurt, withered, sick and other suffering flowers

  • If something bad would happen to their flower shop and garden

  • Not doing a good job or not being there enough

  • Overworking himself

  • Being forced to stay indoors for too long

  • Not being able to pursue his passion for floristry and gardening anymore

  • Extreme temperatures like heat or frost

  • Materialism and greed

  • Faded and dull things and places with no flowers whatsoever

  • Any kind of violence


Further Information:

  • He has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though he is a lion. His favourite foods are vegetables, fruits and nuts. He is not required to eat though, he can also gain his entire energy by photosynthesis alone

  • He was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk a mystical land which is full of magic and fairy-like creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal dusk. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place

  • He and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. As already stated, Dandelion and Zick-Zack are best friends and even own and run their own flower shop and garden together. The two work very exemplary together and know exactly how to coordinate with each other. Additionally, Dandelion gets along well with Zick-Zack's other close friend Melino. In their free time, the three often meet up and spend some time together

  • As Dandelion gets older, his mane and the tips of his tail slowly transform into a very fluffy white mane, resembling the clocks of a dandelion. However, it is still fur, so these hairs cannot be blown away or carried off by the wind


Dandelion belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Dandelion was drawn, designed and adopted from Merebeari

Base used was made by _honeybeest_