Name: Drops
Name Meaning: The word "Drops" has several meanings. In this context, it refers to both a type of candy and colourful drops of paint
Species: Dalmatian dog
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: 4th November
Age Group: Pre-teen
Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dusk
Shoulder Height: 45 cm
Weight: 11 kg
Adoptive Father: Jasper
Character Traits:
Very playful
Sweet tooth
Always optimistic
Mostly well-behaved
Often hyphy
Often distracted
Childishly naive
Drops' fur has a particularly pleasant scent. It changes depending on his mood and the following scents can be observed: when happy: sweet bubble gum, when angry: salty caramel, when hyper: spicy pineapple, when disgusted or scared: sour apple, when relaxed: fresh mint and when sad: bitter grape. Every scent, even those associated with more negative emotions, smells very pleasant to the creatures around him and stimulates their appetite
Drops has the remarkable ability to magically conjure Gobstoppers and simple hard candy in the six flavours mentioned above. The Gobstoppers feature at least two to six different flavours, while the hard candy each has one specific flavour. Depending on his mood, the flavours that correspond to his emotions become more intense. For example, if Drops is relaxed, the "fresh mint" flavour will taste more intense than usual, and the same applies to the other flavours. His sweets are particularly popular and sought after among the younger creatures in the land
His magical and normal energy levels seem exceptionally high, and they also appear to deplete more slowly than in other comparable beings. He is full of energy, and his energy recharges more quickly than is typically the case with other beings
After consuming sugar from candy, with the exception of his self-produced sweets, he enters a state known as "sugar shock," where he can run and swim twice as fast and jump significantly higher. However, during this state, he becomes extremely restless and cannot stay still. This state lasts for about 30 minutes. Afterward, he is unable to enter this state again for one to two hours, even if he eats more sweets. The quantity of sweets doesn't matter, just one candy is enough to trigger the effect, and consuming more does not amplify or extend the state
He can produce and emit light form his whole body. That way he can lighten up the night in many different colours
He has the ability of speech and he speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course he is able to interact with his fellow species and other animals and creatures. He can even translate to a certain extent
Unlike other dogs, he can see almost all existing colours. He cannot see so well in the dark though
He can't simply "turn off" his different scents, making it difficult for him to hide for example. Not only that, but they also reveal his current true emotional state. Therefore, masking his feelings presents a significant challenge for him
As already mentioned, when he's in his "sugar shock" state he cannot sit still for even a minute, which can be problematic at certain situations, like when he is at school for example
He is very energetic and often hyper. He generally has difficulty sitting still for long periods and concentrating on one thing for an extended time. He gets distracted easily, which presents challenges, especially in school. His adoptive father Jasper is very patient with him and helps him calm down and settle
He is still a child, or rather a puppy, and therefore quite childishly naive. However, this doesn't have to be a weakness, as this childlike thinking is very carefree
Drops was found by his adoptive father, Jasper, when he was still in an egg. There was no trace of his parents at that time, and it seemed a mystery where his egg originally came from. Thus, neither he nor Jasper knows who his biological parents are, which is not easy for him. He loves Jasper dearly, considers him a father, and is truly grateful to him. However, he still feels that something is missing or simply unknown to him, and he wishes to learn more about his origins, which seems impossible unfortunately. The only thing he knows is that his parents must have been a same-sex couple, as only such a bond can result in an egg. For further information see Attributes
Candy and other sweet food, especially Gobstoppers
Sharing his self-made candy with others
Playing, games, toys and fun
Happiness and pure joy
Frolic around
A lot of space to run around and play
His friends and his family, he shares a deep bond with his adoptive father Jasper
When his father is proud of him
Optimism and carefreeness
Not knowing who his parents are and what had happened to them
Disappointing his father Jasper
Food that is considered healthy like vegetables
Being forced to sit still, especially while in a sugar shock
Small spaces
When his scents reveal his emotions at an inconvenient time
Too much seriousness and too strict rules
Not being taken seriously because of his young age
Sadness and gloominess
Further Information:
He has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though he is a dog. His favourite foods are sweets, fruits and nuts. He is a sweet tooth and loves candy
He was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk a mystical land which is full of magic and fairy-like creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal dusk. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place. As previously mentioned, Drops does not know his biological parents, and no one else knows where he originally came from either. It was a beautiful and sunny summer day when Jasper, who already lived in the Land of Eternal Dusk, was meditating by the bank of a crystal-blue river. When he briefly opened his eyes to take a short break, he noticed something floating in the water, it was an egg! Without hesitation, the good swimmer jumped into the water to save it. Fortunately, the egg was intact and still warm from the warm water. Without a second thought, he took his bag, carefully wrapped the egg in it, and tied it around his neck for safe transport. He went upstream, searching for the parents of the egg, who must have been very worried. But no one was there. He immediately went to the other residents and reported his special find and the missing parents. This led to an extensive search operation, whether on land, in the air, or in the water, everywhere was searched, but unfortunately, there was no success. The creatures collectively decided to entrust the egg to Jasper's care until the day the parents might appear. Jasper, who had always wanted a family and had already grown fond of the egg, eagerly accepted and promised to lovingly take care of the little creature inside, no matter what. A few months later, the sweet Drops hatched from the egg. Jasper has always taken care of the little one and officially adopted him shortly after. The two are inseparable and make an unbeatable team, despite their nearly opposite personalities
He and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. He is very close to his adoptive father Jasper and he is very thankful to him for everything he does for him
Drops is a pre-teen and the youngest of the here introduced characters
Drops belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Drops was designed and adopted from LucifersAiko (Toyhouse)
Base used by arcadec0re
His design was modified by Alexi B.
Made with and hosted by
Cute-Creatures-Clan 2018-2025
(c) Alexi B./Sylvi/Kamee
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