Name: Falena
Name Meaning: "Falena" is the Italian term for "moth". It is also connected to the English word "feline" which means "cat-like"
Species: Amur leopard with rosy maple moth features/Lepidopthera
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 30th September
Age Group: Adult
Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Night
Shoulder Height: 60 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Love Partner: Schimmer
Children: None
Character Traits:
Very gentle
Very cuddly
A bit eccentric
Quite sentimental
Thanks to her beautiful moth-like wings Falena is able to fly, and that pretty high and far. She struggles to fly in the rain though, since her wings must not get too wet
Falena can produce and emit light form her whole body as she wishes. That way she can lighten up the night in her fur colours. The way she glows is particularly strong and bright. Unlike other creatures, the glowing requires almost no energy and she has the ability to vary the intensity of her glowing from a dimmed one to a dazzling bright one. Even the highest degree consumes only a small amount of energy
She is able to track down and even communicate with other moths, moth-like beings or caterpillars using her cute antennae
She is an excellent tree climber and can even scale the most challenging trees
Falena is an extremely caring and gentle creature, who lovingly takes care of other beings, whether big or small
She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent
She has an amazing night vision and can see extremely well in the dark. She cannot see through the dark in the Land of Eternal Darkness though. She can also see almost all existing colours
As already mentioned, Falena has a hard time flying while being exposed to rain or water in general due to her wings getting wet
She is generally considered to be rather hydrophobic and cannot swim. Therefore, she prefers to stay away from large bodies of water
Due to her very caring and gentle nature, she often prioritizes the needs of other beings over her own, and it saddens her greatly when she cannot attend to everyone simultaneously, which unfortunately happens quite often
She is quite eccentric, for example, she loves collecting leaves (especially maple leaves) for hours, something that seems odd to some other beings. While she stands by her peculiar passions, questioning looks or critical comments can still unsettle her. Additionally, she is quite sensitive and can be hurt rather quickly
Approval and tolerance
Taking care of other creatures, be it large or small ones
Having moths, moth-like creatures and caterpillars as friends, especially her caterpillar companion Caty which never leaves her side
Her boyfriend Schimmer, her family, especially her cousin Duchesse and aunt Halley and friends, especially Luminos
Collecting leaves, especially maple leaves
Autumn and colourful leaves
Climbing trees
Flying, especially near trees
Sunny and dry weather
Lots of cuddles
Elegance and Grace, especially while flying and climbing
Any kind of violence
Intolerance, especially towards her eccentric nature
Hurtful comments, glances etc.
Not being able to take care of everyone
Rain, it's very difficult for her to fly while it's raining
Larger bodies of water
The lack of platonic physical closeness, such as cuddling or hugging
Winter, because of the lack of leaves
Further Information:
She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is partly an Amur leopardess. Her favourite foods are vegetables, fruits and nuts
She was born in the Land of Eternal Night a gorgeous land which is full of colourful and glowing plants and creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal night. It is a very soothing and peaceful land. Currently, Falena lives in the Land of Eternal Dusk. The primary reason for the move in this land was love. Falena had always been enchanted by the striking and beautiful maple trees that adorn the Land of Eternal Dusk. Every autumn, when the trees are adorned with their most colourful leaves, she would visit the land to revel in their splendour. During one of her visits to the Land of Eternal Dusk, something happened that would change her life forever, she met the love of her life. It was a glorious autumn day, and she was searching for maple leaves to add to her collection. After a long search, she finally found it, the perfect leaf. Just as she was about to pick it up, a sudden gust of wind came out of nowhere and whisked it away. Panicked, she ran after the leaf, which landed right in front of the paws of another creature, which was taking a relaxing stroll through the woods. This creature turned out to be the charming Schimmer. At first, Falena was so focused on the leaf that she didn’t even realise who was standing before her. When their eyes finally met, it was all over for both of them, it was love at first sight. It didn’t take long for the two of them to become a couple. Shortly after, they decided that Falena would move to Schimmer’s home in the Land of Eternal Dusk. While she was deeply attached to her homeland, she had long considered the idea of living in the Land of Eternal Dusk someday, and this was the perfect opportunity. She didn’t move alone, though. Shortly after, her aunt Halley, her cousin Duchesse, and their families, with whom she shares a very close bond, followed her and, since then, live there happily
She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She is very in love with her boyfriend Schimmer and vice versa. Furthermore, she is especially close to her cousin Duchesse and her aunt Halley. She also gets along quite well with Luminos, who is like a grandfather to her, even though both are not related by blood
Falena belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Falena was a custom adopt, she was drawn, designed and adopted from anouki.adopts
The reference sheet was also made by anouki.adopts