Name: Fayette
Name Meaning: The name "Fayette" has several meanings, in this context, it stands for "little fairy"
Species: Rainbow Fairy Kitsune
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 24th June
Age Group: Adult
Home Planet: Dulcis Fada
Region of Birth: Fae Field
Shoulder Height: 30 cm
Weight: 4 kg
Love Partner: None
Sibling(s): Fleurette (big sister)
Character Traits:
Very caring
Thanks to her beautiful fairy wings Fayette is able to fly, and that pretty high and far
She has magical fairy healing powers and she can heal sick and suffering plants, creatures and all other kinds of living beings
She has the ability to create fairy auras, which, depending on the type of aura, can either calm or revitalise the beings around her
With the help of her cute antennae, she is able to track down and even communicate with all sorts of insects, like butterflies, bees, dragonflies etc.
She can conjure the prettiest and most colourful rainbows in the sky by simply flapping her gorgeous wings. This magic can only be used during the day, but at any weather. She can create up to ten rainbows a day which can last between half an hour and an hour before disappearing again
She has the ability to make certain objects and even creatures glow temporarily in all sorts of colours
Fayette can glow and even sparkle softly in various pastel colours. She can even choose between the different shades as she wishes. She always lightens up even the darkest nights
She is an extremely caring and devoted being who is deeply concerned about the well-being of other living creatures. Whether it’s other beings, plants, or the tiniest insects, she always tends to them lovingly by healing them when they suffer or calming and revitalising them with her various fairy auras
She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent
She has a good night vision and can see pretty well in the dark
She is, as already mentioned, very caring and loving. For her, the well-being of the living creatures around her is the most important thing. Unfortunately, she can't help every single creature or be everywhere at once. The fact that she can't be there for everyone in need weighs heavily on her heart. She would love to offer her help to every single being on her planet
She is a very selfless and devoted being, doing everything she can to ensure the well-being of other living creatures. However, this often results in her overcommitting and neglecting her own needs and well-being. This can lead to exhaustion or even stress. Additionally, she finds it very difficult to say "no" to others, which often causes her to agree to too many requests and concerns, overwhelming herself in the process. Fortunately, her big sister Fleurette and friends are always there for her, trying their best to help her out of such an overwhelming situation
Helping and healing sick and suffering living beings
When the creatures around her are happy and healthy
Creating helpful fairy auras
Certain insects, such as butterflies, fire- and dragonflies
Generosity and devotion
Love and affection
Her big sister Fleurette and the other members of their friend group "The Glister Sisters"
Cute and pastel-coloured things
Not being able to help and/or heal suffering plants and other living beings
Disappointing others and not being able to please everyone
The balance between her own needs and the needs of others
Suffering and sorrowfulness
Helplessness and desperation
Loneliness and lovelessness
Dreary and bleak places and things
Any kind of violence
Further Information:
She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a Kitsune. Her favourite foods are fruits, berries, nuts and sweet treats. She loves colourful food, such as fruit salads, rainbow cakes and colourful chocolate beans
She comes from a different universe than that of Tempus Lux. She lives on a magical planet called "Dulcis Fada", where particularly adorable creatures live. She and her older sister Fleurette were born and still live in a very magical place called "Fae Field". It is a beautiful and wild field located right next to a magical fairy forest. It is covered in the most colourful flowers and grasses, which always seem to sparkle and shimmer. The field is mainly inhabited by fairy-like creatures. Fayette and her sister live together and their home is a lovely dwelling situated at the edge of the field, adorned with pretty pastel-coloured flowers and garlands. Both sisters hold their home dear and Fayette cares deeply and makes sure that no living being there is ever in need of anything
The twins Starlette and Crescenette, the sisters Fayette and Fleurette, and the half-sisters Cherry Berry and Sunny Hunny are close friends and have even formed a little "sisters' gang." They call themselves the "Glister Sisters"
Fun Fact: Fayette is a special kitsune, for where the tails of these mystical foxes would normally be, four beautiful fairy wings sprout: one large and one small wing on each side. Between them, a stunning three-coloured rainbow permanently shines, glowing in pastel shades of pink, light yellow, and light blue. Thanks to them, she can even conjure rainbows into the sky, simply by fluttering her magical wings
Fayette belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Fayette was designed and adopted from Miizue (Toyhouse)