Name: Felipix
Name Meaning: Felipix is a combination of the two terms "feline", which means "cat-like", and "pixie", which is a kind of fairy or elf
Species: Cat (Bengal and tabby mix) and pixie
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 24th June
Age Group: Adult
Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dusk
Shoulder Height: 148 cm to a few millimeters (after shrinking)
Weight: 45 kg to a few microgram (after shrinking)
Love Partner: Charondo
Children: None
Character Traits:
Very playful
Thanks to her beautiful butterfly-like fairy wings Felipix is able to fly, and that pretty high and far. She can even use her ears to assist in flying. She struggles to fly in the rain though, since her wings must not get too wet
Felipix can shrink her body to a certain extent, which means she can make herself tiny, in fact, so small that she is hardly visible and only recognizable as a small pink and green glowing orb
When being small, she is able to consume nectar from certain flowers, she can even sustain herself by doing so. In addition, like butterfly and bees, she can collect pollen and transfer it to the next flowers
She can heal sick and suffering plants and other creatures with the help of the healing and cleansing water that is held in the small bottle of her collar. This water used to be normal water, but Felipix turned it into this special healing water through her special magical powers. This process requires a significant amount of energy, and she can only convert smaller amounts at a time. Therefore, she always reserves some of it to ensure she has it readily available, for example, in case of an emergency
She can produce and emit light form her whole body. That way she can lighten up the night in many different colours
She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent
She is able to see in the dark and, unlike other cats, she can see almost all existing colours
As already mentioned, Felipix has a hard time flying while being exposed to rain or water in general due to her wings getting wet. Water can also become dangerous when she's in her tiny form, even the smallest water drops could harm her. Same goes for strong winds and other environmental influences. She must always exercise caution, as there are many dangers in this state
After she shrinks into her tiny size, it takes her several minutes to up to an hour, depending on her energy level, to transform back into her normal size
Only a small amount of water can be transformed at a time, and this process consumes a considerable amount of magical energy. Therefore, she must, or rather, she wants to always have some of it with her. She would never leave her home without an emergency ration
She has a cheeky, spirited and blithely personality and is always up to some playful shenanigans, this may bother other creatures or even hurt them. This is something she never intends and makes her feel bad. Nevertheless, she can't resist harmless mischief. Fortunately, her dear boyfriend Charondo and best friend Selene are always there to calm her down as good as possible
Nectar is one of her main sources of food and is therefore of central importance. If she has no access to nectar for an extended period, she quickly feels powerless and weaker, making it much harder for her to recharge her magical powers
Helping and healing sick and suffering plants and creatures
Harmless shenanigans of any kinds, like playful pranks
Light-heartedness and a not-too-strict atmosphere
Flying around joyfully
Playing, games, toys and fun
Flowers, nectar and the flora in general
Having butterflies, bees and many other insect-like creatures as friends
Discovering new places and things while being tiny
Her family, boyfriend Charondo and friends, especially her best friend Selene and other close friend Verdan
Sunny weather
Cute, small and colourful things
Not being able to help and/or heal suffering plants and creatures
Any kind of violence
Too much seriousness
Sadness and gloominess
Creatures which have a lack of humour and a lot of negativity
When others react negatively to her shenanigans and pranks or even getting hurt by them, something that would never be her intention
Rain, it's very difficult for her to fly while it's raining
Faded and dull things and places with no flowers and plants whatsoever
Hurt and withered plants
Mean and evil creatures that try to hurt her when being tiny
Further Information:
She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a cat. She primarily feeds on nectar, occasionally she snacks on fruits and other sweet foods
She was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk a mystical land which is full of magic and fairy-like creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal dusk. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place. There, she lives together with her boyfriend Charondo in a large, pretty tree stump located in the middle of a lush meadow
She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She gets along very well with her beloved boyfriend Charondo, her best friend Selene and other close friend Verdan. They often work together to help the flora thrive by combining their magical powers. Felipix pollinates the plants and heals them when they get sick
Felipix belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Felipix was drawn, designed and adopted from AnchorblueArt
Base used was made by _honeybeest_