
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Fleurette


Name Meaning: "Fleurette" is a French term and stands for "little flower"


Species: Porcelain Flower Fairy Kitsune


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 5th March


Age Group: Adult


Home Planet: Dulcis Fada


Region of Birth: Fae Field


Shoulder Height: 31 cm


Weight: 4.2 kg


Love Partner: None


Sibling(s): Fayette (little sister)


Character Traits:

  • Friendly

  • True-hearted

  • Charming

  • Classy

  • Very elegant

  • Feminine

  • Aesthetic

  • Very neat

  • A bit squeamish

  • A bit vain



  • Thanks to her beautiful fairy wings Fleurette is able to fly, and that pretty high and far

  • She has magical fairy healing powers and she can heal sick and suffering plants, creatures and all other kinds of living beings

  • She has the ability to create fairy auras, which, depending on the type of aura, can either calm or revitalise the beings around her

  • With the help of her cute antennae, she is able to track down and even communicate with all sorts of insects, like butterflies, bees, dragonflies etc.

  • She can use her magical fairy powers to help all types of flowers grow and even conjure a variety of flowers from the ground, such as roses, tulips, hibiscus, and many more. On a day with a high magical energy level, Fleurette can conjure up to thirty flowers

  • Whenever she is flapping her beautiful wings, wonderful sparkles appear around them

  • She has the ability to make certain objects and even creatures sparkle temporarily

  • Her entire body emits a very sweet floral scent, which can have a calming effect on others

  • Like her sister Fayette, Fleurette can also glow, though not as brightly as Fayette and only in the colours of her fur

  • She is a very elegant, tidy, and stylish being with an eye for beauty and aesthetics. When it comes to decorating or designing, Fleurette is unbeatable. She knows exactly which items, colours, and elements complement and harmonise with each other. Additionally, she is always well-organised and everything around her is in perfect order. Her grace and beauty leave many other beings in awe and the way she moves is considered extremely elegant. She always knows how to style herself for any occasion and places great importance on her appearance in general

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • She has a good night vision and can see pretty well in the dark



  • Fleurette is quite vain and sometimes a bit superficial. Good looks are very important to her and must be regularly checked with the help of a mirror or reflections in water. Every little hair must be perfectly in place and her fur must always be clean and well-groomed. She does not tolerate her fur, hair, or wings becoming dishevelled or dirty respectively. Even the slightest speck of dirt is an absolute no-go for her and can even and make her furious. She is not always the easiest being to be around, especially at dirtier places, such as swamps or wet fields

  • She is not only vain but can also be quite squeamish in certain situations. For instance, she would never touch a creature she considers dirty or walk over a muddy surface. She hates getting her paws dirty and can sometimes, as her little sister Fayette likes to say, "make a big fuss" about it



  • Beauty and aesthetics

  • Being good-looking

  • A well-groomed and clean fur and hair

  • Elegance and grace

  • Pretty and healthy flowers

  • Decorating and designing

  • Her little sister Fayette and the other members of their friend group "The Glister Sisters"

  • Tidiness and being well-organised

  • Drinking tea and tea parties

  • Butterflies and having them as friends



  • A dirty, messy or unkempt fur, hair or wings

  • Hurt and withered flowers

  • Places and things she considers as "dirty"

  • Messy places and creatures

  • Getting her paws dirty and being forced to do things she does not want to

  • Failing at decorating or designing

  • Being embarrassing or clumsy

  • Loneliness and lack of attention

  • Dreary and bleak places and things

  • Any kind of violence


Further Information:

  • She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a Kitsune. Her favourite foods are fruits, berries, nuts and sometimes sweet treats. She prefers drinking tea and eating low-calorie pastries. She pays great attention to her weight and health

  • She comes from a different universe than that of Tempus Lux. She lives on a magical planet called "Dulcis Fada", where particularly adorable creatures live. She and her little sister Fayette were born and still live in a very magical place called "Fae Field". It is a beautiful and wild field located right next to a magical fairy forest. It is covered in the most colourful flowers and grasses, which always seem to sparkle and shimmer. The field is mainly inhabited by fairy-like creatures. Fleurette and her sister live together and their home is a lovely dwelling situated at the edge of the field, adorned with pretty pastel-coloured flowers and garlands. Both sisters hold their home dear and she makes sure that it is always tidy, in perfect shape and nicely decorated

  • The twins Starlette and Crescenette, the sisters Fayette and Fleurette, and the half-sisters Cherry Berry and Sunny Hunny are close friends and have even formed a little "sisters' gang." They call themselves the "Glister Sisters"

  • Fun Fact: Fleurette is a special kitsune, for where the tails of these mystical foxes would normally be, four beautiful fairy wings sprout: one large and one small wing on each side. Whenever she flaps them they sparkle wonderfully, making her look even more gorgeous


Fleurette belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Fleurette was designed and adopted from Miizue (Toyhouse)