
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Liane


Name Meaning: "Liane" is a German term and means "vine" in English


Species: Wolf


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 3rd May


Age Group: Adult


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dusk


Height: 173 cm


Weight: 61 kg


Love Partner: None


Children: None


Character Traits:

  • Loving

  • Thoughtful

  • Nature lover

  • Gardener

  • Outdoor enthusiast

  • Discoverer

  • Diligent

  • Modest

  • Pretty feminine

  • Aesthetic



  • Liane's fur has a particularly pleasant scent. It smells like various tropical plants. This lovely scent is reminiscent of tropical rainforests and feels very refreshing to the creatures around her

  • She is an excellent gardener and can make or help all sorts of plants grow, like flowers, bushes or trees for instance. Unlike the most creatures with such abilities, she is even able to conjure very exotic and rare plants from very faraway places. The prerequisite for this is that she must have directly seen and gently touched these plants at their natural growing location. This allows her to "store" the plant species in her magical "memory", enabling her to conjure them at any time and place. However, their living and growing conditions remain unchanged. If a plant is adapted to warmer and tropical climates, it cannot thrive in colder or drier locations. For this reason, she owns a special greenhouse, which is exceptionally large and divided into several rooms. Each room has different temperatures, humidity levels, light exposure, and so on. This setup allows the passionate gardener to cultivate, care for, and raise all kinds of plants

  • Thanks to her amazing gardening skills and magical powers, she is able to crossbreed two or even multiple plant species, creating unique hybrids that can only be found in her greenhouse. Her stunning hybrid flowers and hybrid fruits and vegetables are particularly sought after. Occasionally, she even crossbreeds or cultivates a specific plant or hybrid upon request. She especially enjoys doing this for her best friend Azuka, who always comes up with particularly inventive and unique ideas. The plants cultivated specifically for Azuka are then used in the creation and production of her care products and perfumes

  • Liane can not only grow plants but also summon special, highly flexible, and robust vines, which can be several metres long depending on how much magical energy she wants to expend. In a single day, depending on the level of her magical energy reserves, she can create up to thirty vines. These vines can be used for a variety of purposes, such as construction, decoration, and much more

  • She loves exploring new and especially exotic areas, always eager to discover new plant species. She is very fit and enduring, no distance is too far and no cliffs are too steep for her. Additionally, she has an excellent sense of direction and never gets lost during her expeditions

  • She has an amazing scenting ability. She can track the location of certain plants and almost every other creature, as long as she knows the scent of said plant and being

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • She is able to see in the dark, and, unlike other wolves, she can see almost all existing colours



  • She can't simply "turn off" her refreshing plant scent, making it difficult for her to hide for example

  • Being outdoors and out in nature is of utmost importance to Liane. If she is forced to stay indoors for an extended period of time, due to bad or dangerous weather conditions for example, it can be very distressing for her and, in the worst case, even lead to feelings of depression

  • Her beloved plants, garden, and greenhouse mean everything to her. If something were to happen to them, it would feel as though a small world were falling apart for her

  • Her remarkable scenting ability does not always have a positive effect, bad odours can become an annoying problem



  • Plants, especially exotic and rare ones

  • Her beloved garden and greenhouse

  • Healthy and thriving plants and healing sick ones

  • Discovering new places and its flora

  • Breeding new kinds of plants

  • The outdoors and outdoor activities

  • Her family and friends, especially her best friend Azuka

  • Lovely decorations and aesthetics

  • Elegance and grace

  • Sunny weather and light rain



  • Hurt, withered, sick and other suffering plants

  • If anything bad would happen to her garden or greenhouse

  • Being forced to stay indoors for too long and homebodies

  • Places which are too dangerous to discover or which are restricted

  • Dangerous weather conditions, like heavy storms or hail

  • Wintertime and cold temperatures in general

  • Faded and dull things and places with no plants whatsoever

  • Too much vanity

  • Bad odours

  • Any kind of violence


Further Information:

  • She was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk a mystical land which is full of magic and fairy-like creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal dusk. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place. She lives in a beautifully decorated hollow tree located near Azuka's and Lilin's home. Right next to it lies her large garden and enormous greenhouse

  • In every land you can find the following rule: Every strongly marked anthropomorphic creature is actually a human being from either a different dimension and/or time, that's why these creatures are more human-like than other beings

  • She is anthropomorphic and thus very human-like, but can still do typical “wolf-like” things like howling, barking, digging and much more

  • She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. As stated before, she and Azuka are best friends and are very close. Furthermore, she also gets along quite well with Lilin, Azuka's other best friend and roommate. All three are friends with Alette, Suzette, and Zarina

  • She has a vegetarian diet, even though she is a wolf. She eats vegetables, fruits, nuts and much more. Due to her green colouration and plant-like appearance, many creatures believe that she has chloroplasts and is thus able to gain energy through photosynthesis, but this is not the case. She does not have any chloroplasts at all



Liane belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Liane was designed and adopted from CatNCrowCreations

Base used by Teranen