
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Lilin


Name Meaning: In Jewish mythology, "Lilin" are considered demons or fallen angels respectively. They are also thought to be a type of certain night spirits


Species: Chimera cat and half-demon and half-fallen angel


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 15th April


Age Group: Adult


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Darkness


Shoulder Height: 29 cm


Weight: 3.8 kg


Love Partner: None


Children: None


Character Traits:

  • Sociable

  • Extrovert

  • Ambitious

  • Dreamful

  • Classy

  • Amazing acting skills

  • Theatrical

  • Dramatic

  • Quite the diva

  • Sometimes haughty



  • Lilin is excellent at flying and can fly particularly high and far

  • Due to her being a demon-like creature, she is resistant to almost every kind of fire

  • She has an incredible acting talent and can effortlessly take on almost any role. She can play the part of a heroine one moment and a wicked villain the next. She excels at switching between different emotions abruptly and can cry, laugh heartily, be madly in love, etc., on command. Additionally, she can sing and dance quite well. She loves participating in plays, musicals, films, etc., and her dream is to one day become a big, famous star

  • She is very stylish and extremely elegant. These qualities are also clearly reflected in her astonishing acting. Watching her perform is a true delight

  • She is an extremely ambitious being with high endurance and willpower. Once she sets her mind on something, she works tirelessly until she finally achieves it

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • Since she comes from a land, which is in a state of eternal darkness, except the fiery underground, she is able to see in the dark and, unlike other cats, she can see almost all existing colours



  • Since Lilin is such a talented actress, some other creatures find it difficult to distinguish between her genuine and played or "fake" statements, actions, emotions, etc. respectively. Some even believe that she always presents herself with a false facade. However, outside of the theatre, film sets, etc., she is a very sincere and honest being. Such claims can sometimes weigh heavily on her

  • Due to her extreme ambition, she tends to overexert herself or even neglect other central aspects of her life, such as her social life. Fortunately, her best friend Azuka helps her to "slow down" a bit and refocus on other important things in life

  • Due to her star qualities, she can sometimes be quite a diva and come across as rather haughty. Such behaviour can be quite off-putting to other beings. However, Lilin often doesn't mean it that way and simply doesn't express herself in the best manner in these moments



  • Acting and being in the spotlight

  • Participate in theatre, films, musicals, etc.

  • Playing the leading role

  • Becoming a world-famous star

  • Reaching her goals and fulfilling her dreams

  • Elegance, beauty and grace

  • Trust in her

  • Her family and friends, especially her best friend and roommate Azuka

  • Singing and dancing

  • Being admired by others

  • Flying

  • Being around others and a lot of socializing



  • When others consider her to be fake

  • If she could no longer pursue her passions and dreams

  • Playing only in minor roles

  • Not being considered a famous star yet

  • Failure of any kind

  • A possible lack of success

  • Negative reviews

  • Overexertion and too much pressure because of her being overambitious sometimes

  • Lack of attention

  • Loneliness

  • When others label her as a diva or as haughty

  • Lack of appreciation for her skills, efforts etc.


Further Information:

  • Lilin was born in the Land of the Eternal Darkness, a very dark place that has no light source whatsoever. But it has a huge fiery and very hot underground where the most creatures live. It is full of strong demon-like creatures, which are unfortunately, often mistaken as evil beings, though the majority of them is friendly and peaceful, just like her. She currently lives with her best friend and roommate Azuka in a charming little house in the Land of Eternal Dusk. They met a few years ago in Lilin's homeland when Azuka was visiting. Her motivation for this long journey was to search for new ingredients and contents for her legendary perfumes and other products. They quickly became friends and after Azuka returned, Lilin visited her several times in her homeland, the Land of Eternal Dusk. She immediately liked the place and saw good opportunities for her acting and theatre career there. Therefore, a few months later, she moved in with Azuka, who had suggested a shared living arrangement. However, they do not spend all their time in this land alone, they both love to travel, and Lilin frequently returns to her homeland to visit her family and old friends

  • She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a cat. Her favourite foods are vegetables, fruits and nuts

  • She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. As previously mentioned, Azuka is considered her best friend. The two even live together and do almost everything together. One might say they are practically inseparable. Her closer circle of friends also includes Azuka's other best friend Liane and Alette, Suzette, and Zarina. Group gatherings often take place with everyone involved


Lilin belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)

Lilin was designed by KruffleKrudz (Toyhouse)

Bases used were made by C-side (Toyhouse) and eyetizzy (Toyhouse)