
By Alexi B.

A clan full of adorable and mystical creatures
and a world full of fantasy and magic!

Icon by Anouki


Name: Selene


Name Meaning: The name "Selene" has Greek origins and stands for "moon"


Species: Dragon, she also has some Luna moth, feline and canine features


Gender: Female


Day of Birth: 20th July


Age Group: Adult


Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Night


Height: 154 cm and up to 10 meters (after magical growth)


Weight: 2'000 kg


Love Partner: None


Children: None



Selene is a gorgeous anthropomorphic dragon, which also shares some canine and feline features, like the paws, ears and fur. She has the amazing ability to grow magically, reaching a height of up to 10 meters. However, she can also adjust to any size in between. She cannot shrink, though, with her minimum height always being 154 cm. She is a very colourful creature and her design reminds of a dreamy night sky. Her forehead, nose, forearms, wrists, ankles and parts of her thighs and paws are dark purple. On her forehead three stripes and on her ankle pretty tiger stripes in a darker shade of purple can be found.  Her cheeks, shoulders, upper arms and parts of her snout and thighs are in a lighter and more pinkish-purple. These parts are adorned with lavender cloud-like markings and at some places, such as her cheeks and thighs, cute light yellow and orange stars can be observed. Parts of her belly and of the outside of her ears are dark purple and their other parts are almost black. Her hair, chest fluff, tail, the edges of her ears, fingers, toes and her heart-shaped eyebrows are light yellow. At the bases of these parts a light orange shade can be seen. Furthermore, on her hair and base of the tail in a darker shade of orange there are pretty leopard spots. The thin tip of her long fluffy tail is covered with two orange stripes. In addition to her feline and canine features, Selene also has one distinct luna moth property, namely a small version of the pretty wings of this moth species. They can be found at the back of her head right under her ears and they are bright bluish-green with a almost black rim. In addition, on these wings there are two large orange spots each which are outlined by a light purple colour. Also, some tiny orange spots can be found on them as well. Also bluish-green are the inside of her ears, her iris, nostrils and paw pads (beans). Selene has a cute large orange star at the tip of her tail. The same shade of orange is also present in her ear fluff, claws, and the small horns on her head. The latter have a beautiful spiral pattern and her ear fluff is shaped like a heart. Selene's pupils are orange and the highlights in her eyes are little purple stars. Selene never goes out without her dark purple collar. It is adorned with dark orange lines, and the pendant features a dark orange crescent moon, which is thought to keep bad dreams and even nightmares away


Character Traits:

  • Very gentle

  • Benevolent

  • Peaceful

  • Serene

  • Careful

  • Soothing

  • Very dreamy

  • Often sleepy

  • Quite mysterious

  • Hypnotic



  • Selene can float in the air endlessly without using up any energy whatsoever. This means that she is able to fly whenever and wherever she wants. The wings on the back of her head are not functional, but they are not needed anyway

  • As already mentioned, she has the amazing ability to enlarge her body up to a height of 10 meters. The change in her size comes with a magical effect, as it allows her to influence the tides of nearby waters: when she is at her normal size, there is low tide, and as she grows larger, the water level rises higher until it reaches a flood at a height of 10 meters

  • She is also able to magically transport water from one place to another. This allows her to water plants or provide refreshment to other creatures. However, she cannot filter or conjure water from the air, a water source must be present for this

  • She has the incredible ability to influence other creature's dreams, but she only does so to vanish nightmares, to help others and/or to simply make them feel better. For her, this process requires hardly any magical energy, to keep bad dreams or even nightmares away from other creatures, she only needs to be in close proximity and they are immediately protected from them

  • With the help of her magical abilities, she can hypnotise other beings, provided they consent and wish for it from her. To hypnotise others, they simply need to gaze deeply into her eyes, and within a few seconds, they enter a sort of trance. During this state, Selene can look into the being's subconscious and assist them with various issues, such as processing traumatic experiences, overcoming fears, and much more. However, her hypnotherapy sessions are merely a support and not a magical cure in themselves. Ultimately, it is up to the affected being to overcome these challenges

  • She feels a strong connection with the moon and responds strongly to the lunar cycles: During the full moon, her magical energy charges up particularly quickly. Conversely, during the new moon, her energy takes significantly longer to regenerate

  • She produces and emits light form her whole body constantly. That way she can lighten up the night in many different colours. The way she glows is particularly strong and bright. Unlike other creatures, the glowing requires almost no energy and she has the ability to vary the intensity of her glowing from a dimmed one to a dazzling bright one. Even the highest degree consumes only a small amount of energy. This glowing cannot be turned off though

  • She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent

  • She has a pretty good night vision and can see quite well in the dark. She cannot see through the dark in the Land of Eternal Darkness though. She can also see almost all existing colours



  • Her glowing cannot simply be "stopped". She can dim it to a certain extent, but not turn it off. This makes it difficult for her to hide for example

  • After enlarging her body, it takes her several minutes to up to an hour, depending on her energy level, to transform back into her normal size

  • As mentioned earlier, her body takes significantly longer to recharge her magical energy during the new moon

  • She is often quite dreamy or sleepy, which means she isn't always fully present. However, a splash of cool water helps her to regain her focus quickly. This little trick allows her to shake off her drowsiness and get back to her tasks with renewed energy and clarity



  • The moon, especially the full moon

  • Waters, like ponds, rivers, lakes and seas

  • Her beloved collar

  • Sweet dreams

  • Daydreaming

  • Her family and friends, especially her best friends Felipix and Verdan

  • Hypnosis and helping others with it

  • Sleeping

  • Peace and quiet

  • The sky, especially the colourful dusk or night sky



  • The new moon

  • Entire darkness

  • Bad dreams and nightmares

  • Not being able to help any single creature in need

  • Too much drowsiness

  • Lack of sleep and bad sleep

  • Too much noise and commotion

  • When it is claimed that hypnosis is nonsense

  • Stress or discomfort during a hypnosis session

  • Any kind of violence


Further Information:

  • She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a dragon. She eats vegetables, fruits, nuts and much more

  • She was born in the Land of Eternal Night a gorgeous land which is full of colourful and glowing plants and creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal night. It is a very soothing and peaceful land. Selene has lived in the Land of Eternal Dusk for a long time. She loves to admire the faintly faded moon in combination with the beautiful sky colours of the eternal sunset. Additionally, her closest and dearest friends Felipix and Verdan live there, who are very important to her. However, she still regularly visits her good old homeland and from time to time, she also visits other lands to help the creatures there with her magical abilities

  • She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She gets along very well with her best friends Felipix and Verdan, since the three of them often work together to help the flora thrive by combining their magical powers. One of her main tasks is providing the plants with the best freshwater from nearby waters


Selene belongs to Sylviparda (website owner)

Selene was drawn, designed and adopted from AnchorblueArt

Base used was made by _honeybeest_