Name: Sylviparda
Name Meaning: Sylviparda is a combination of "Sylveon" and "pardus" the Latin term for "Leopard"
Species: Sylveon and Amur leopard hybrid
Dex No.: 700
Type: Fairy and Normal (Fusion and Sylphid form), Normal and Fairy (Pardus form) and Fairy and Dark (Melanin form)
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 07th March 2020
Age Group: Adult
Region of Birth: Sylviparda's biological parents are unknown. Her egg was found by a female Amur leopard of our dimension. It must have travelled from the Pokémon dimension to ours by some kind of wormhole. The Amur leopard took really good care of it. She always made sure to keep it warm and secure at any time. All of her dedication led to certain changes to the unborn Eevee in the egg. Its unstable DNA changed and eventually, she became an Eevee and Amur leopard hybrid. She turned into a special light yellow Eevee with light pink and light blue leopard print After hatching the adoptive mother gave her baby further love and care which finally caused the evolution into half a Sylveon
Height: 1.00 m
Weight: 21 kg
Cry: Standard Pokémon cry in a higher pitch/she can also roar, purr and can make other leopard-like sounds
Love Partner: None
Child(ren): None
(Pokémon)Ability: Pixilate (all forms)
Contest(s): Cuteness
A Sylveon and Amur leopard hybrid with:
One main form: Fusion form, two different sub-forms: Sylphid and Pardus form and one special form: Melanin form
The standard Sylveon colours (Sylphid form), yellow, leopard-like colours (Pardus form), a combination of all her sub-form colours (Fusion form) and black with yellow, pink and light blue colours (Melanin form)
Amur leopard-like spots on her whole body except the belly and tips of ribbon bands
Two long and curvy yellow (Sylphid form), pink (Pardus form) or both yellow and pink (Fusion and Melanin form) wisps of hair under her right ear
A slim body
Three lines on each paw
Two smaller and more roundish ears with big cat-like tips and a darker colour inside (except for her Fusion form, where the inside of her ears are lighter)
A very long, bushy and leopard-like tail with two small tips which resemble the tips of a Sylveons tail
Small bows and ribbons with leopard spots
A round head
Cat-shaped light blue eyes with two pointy lines on each side (just like the cat eyes makeup)
A small pink cat-like nose, mouth and snout
Three long black whiskers on each side
Nature: Gentle
Characteristic: Often lost in thought
Character Traits:
Very playful
Often overexcited
Sometimes a bit lazy
Base Stats (Fusion Form):
HP 100
Attack 85
Defense 75
Sp. Attack 85
Sp. Defense 105
Speed 75
Base Stats (Sylphid Form):
HP 95
Attack 65
Defense 65
Sp. Attack 110
Sp. Defense 130
Speed 60
(Standard Sylveon stats)
HP 100
Attack 110
Defense 85
Sp. Attack 60
Sp. Defense 80
Speed 90
HP 95
Attack 105
Defense 85
Sp. Attack 75
Sp. Defense 85
Speed 80
Move Set (Fusion Form):
Hyper Voice
Iron Tail
Move Set (Sylphid Form):
Hyper Voice
Heal Bell
Calm Mind
Play Rough
Quick Attack
Iron Tail
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse (only possible in this form)
Crunch (only possible in this form)
Held Item(s) (varies):
Pixie Plate
Pink Scarf
The people, animals and Pokémon that are close to her
Spending time with her beloved ones
Cute things
Learning new things
And much more :D
Serious and evil violence
Crimes against any living being
Loud noises
Too much activity
Further Information:
Sylviparda has most of the abilities of a Sylveon and an Amur leopard, which means that she can use Pokémon moves or climb trees very well for instance
She is able to split her main Fusion Form into one of her two sub-forms (Sylphid and Pardus form) at almost any time. This does not only change her fur colours, but also her abilities, powers, moves and stats: In her Fusion form her stats are evenly balanced. When being in her Sylphid form her Sylveon abilities, powers and attributes are stronger and hence, being able to use her special moves and powers in the best way possible. The disadvantages of this form is that her Amur leopard powers are weakened, which causes her to be more vulnerable and less agile and which lowers her physical attack powers. When being in her Pardus form her Amur leopard abilities, powers and attributes are stronger, which means that she can use her physical moves and powers in the most ideal way. The problem here is, however, that her Sylveon powers and, thus special attack powers are lowered. The form change requires quite the amount of energy, which means that she always has to recharge first for a few hours before being able to change her form into her main or other sub-form once again
She can turn into her special Melanin form by touching a Dusk Stone at either a new or full moon night. After a few hours of recharging she is able to turn back into her main or one of her sub-forms again
She receives a new type when in her Melanin form which is the dark type. She then also knows moves, like Dark Pulse and Crunch, which a Sylveon cannot learn under normal circumstances
"Sylphid" refers to sylph and fairy, "Pardus" means "leopard" in Latin and "Melanin" is a pigment which is responsible for the darker colouration in the skin and hair/fur and Melanism is a special condition which can occur in Leopards and other animals, which turns their fur black or darker due to the increased development of this pigment
The colour of her wisps of hair refer to her respective other form when being in one of her sub-forms
Besides her four "Sylviparda" forms she can also transforms into five additional "Sylvipanthera" forms (Sylviparda herself is a Sylvipanthera too) by eating special kinds of berries: The Tigri-Berry transforms her into Sylvitigris, the Unci-Berry into Sylviuncia, the Nebu-Berry into Sylvinebulosa, the Onca-Berry into Sylvionca and the Leo-Berry into Sylvileoness. Each of these Sylvipanthera forms have a different type combination and different abilities (further information about them can be seen here). The effect of these transformations wears off after about 24 hours and then she turns back into Sylviparda again
She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is partly a leopard and although she has fangs just like a regular Sylveon. Her favourite foods are vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sweet treats
She is afraid of fire and electricity, which causes her to be weaker to those two types than in normal cases
She participates in friendly and harmless Pokémon battles only
She is very friendly and a big animal lover, she would never hurt other animals or creatures
Plush made by Sewpoke
Sylviparda belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Sylveon(c) Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures