Background information
It's not just the Mysticats that play a central role for Tempus Lux and its inhabitants, there exist special anthropomorphic creatures, the so-called "Phanthera", which are also of crucial importance for the planets and its lands. They can even be seen as their guardians. They make sure that the lands and their inhabitants are safe, be it within or outside the planet. They are very powerful beings and especially strong when working together, making it difficult for intruders to harm the lands for instance. Furthermore, they are closely associated with the Mysticats. They are some of the few beings granted the ability to maintain constant contact with them. They are always informed about the whereabouts of the respective Mysticat and their current intentions. So they are also a kind of "messenger". They gather information, be it through observations or conversations with the inhabitants, and then relay it to the Mysticats when necessary. Conflicts, dissatisfaction, and problems of any kind are intended to be overcome or resolved. They do this, depending on the situation, either independently or with the help of the Mysticats. Their main task is therefore to protect and assist the lands and all their inhabitants and to maintain peace between them. The Mysticats are very grateful to them for this, as they cannot be everywhere and aid everyone at once.
Phanthera are born as such and are aware of it right from the start. They are also the only anthropomorphic beings on Tempus Lux which are not human beings from either a different dimension and/or time, they only exist in the Tempus Lux dimension and nowhere else. The land in which they are born is also the land they primarily protect and support. Typically, there are either one or two Phanthera per land. Presently, the following configuration exists:
Ocea and Unicia live in the Land of Eternal Dawn
Tiris lives in the Land of Eternal Night
Nebulara and Celea live in the Land of Eternal Light
Asmoleus lives in the Land of Eternal Darkness
So, currently, there are seven active Phanthera living on Tempus Lux. What makes them unique is that they always consist of anthropomorphic big cats or big cat-like beings. At least one representative of each big cat species or big cat-like being is present. Each of the Phanthera has their own unique magical abilities. However, what they have in common is the ability to teleport within their respective lands and even become temporarily invisible. Therefore, they are often perceived as friendly and saving kind of phantoms, even though they are real beings and not an illusion or the like. They owe their naming to these factors. Phanthera is a combination of the terms "phantom" and "Panthera," which is the Latin designation for big cats. Their first names are also inspired by individual Latin terms, as will be detailed a bit further below. The Phanthera are all strongly interconnected and even have the ability to combine their magical powers with each other to become even more powerful. Moreover, they bear an extraordinary resemblance to each other despite no blood relation. This similarity is believed to stem from a strong spiritual connection among them. Hence, it's not uncommon for some of them to fall in love romantically with each other and to even reproduce. Among the current Phanthera, there is indeed such a couple, Celea and Asmoleus. Many even believe that through their strong love, their two lands have become more strongly united and peaceful with each other than ever before. Phanthera are not chosen based on blood relations, and the factors of this particular selection process remain a mystery to this day. Therefore, if Phanthera have offspring, these descendants may not necessarily be Phanthera themselves. Phanthera are very peaceful, wise, and kind-hearted beings who do everything for their fosterlings und maintain a healthy balance between the lands, hence they are also shown the appropriate respect. They themselves are rather modest beings who do not see themselves as anything "better" or "higher". They see themselves as standing on an equal footing with all the other beings.
Species: Fairy leopard
Name Inspiration: The name Parda is derived from the Latin term "pardus" which means "leopard". It was changed that way to sound softer and more mystical
Design Inspiration: Parda is inspired by a flower or woodland fairy. Her fairy wings resemble leaves and her overall theme is based on flowers and plants
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 24th April
Age Group: Young adult
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Dusk. Currently, she is the only guardian of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Healing powers
Species: Aquatic jaguar
Name Inspiration: Ocea is a combination of the two terms "ocean" and "onca", the latter meaning "jaguar" in Latin
Design Inspiration: Ocea is inspired by the koi and gold fish
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 7th July
Age Group: Adult
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Dawn. She and Unicia are the current guardians of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Breathing under water
Conjuring up and purifying water
Species: Glacial snow leopard
Name Inspiration: The name Unicia was created by adding parts of the word "ice" to "uncia", the latter meaning "snow leopard" in Latin
Design Inspiration: Unicia is inspired by an ice fairy. Her fairy wings look like (snow) crystals and her overall theme is based on ice, snow and snow flakes
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 23rd January
Age Group: Young adult
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Dawn. She and Ocea are the current guardians of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Forming ice and snow into various forms using magical powers
Enduring extreme cold
Species: Neon and rainbow tiger
Name Inspiration: Tiris is a combination of the two terms "iris" and "tigris", the former referring to the colourful part of the eye, also called "Regenbogenhaut" in German which translates to "rainbow-skin", and the latter meaning "tiger" in Latin
Design Inspiration: Tiris is inspired by colourful RGB lights and by a rainbow
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: 19th February
Age Group: Middle-aged
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Night. Currently, he is the only guardian of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Changing and/or adding colours to objects and certain other living beings
Making certain things glow brightly
Species: Flying clouded leopard
Name Inspiration: Nebulara is a combination of the term "nebulosa" and the name "Lara", the former meaning "clouded leopard" in Latin, and the latter, among other meanings, stands for "seabird" or "seagull"
Design Inspiration: Nebulara's wings are inspired by wings of a beautiful blue bird. Her overall theme is based on a blue sky covered with fluffy white clouds
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 15th September
Age Group: Young adult
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Light. She and Celea are the current guardians of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Breathing in very high altitudes and enduring extreme cold while flying
Manipulation of the wind and air
Species: Angelic lioness
Name Inspiration: Celea is a combination of the two terms "celestial" and "leo", which was changed to "lea" to make it sound more feminine, the latter meaning "lion" in Latin
Design Inspiration: Celea is inspired by a golden angel
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 18th November
Age Group: Adult
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Light. She and Nebulara are the current guardians of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Manipulation of certain emotions and feelings
Influencing dreams and certain thoughts
Species: Demonic fire lion
Name Inspiration: The name "Asmoleus" is a variation of the name "Asmodeus", who represents a powerful demon in various stories, legends, myths, etc. It was altered to sound somewhat like "leo", which means "lion" in Latin, at one part while not deviating too far from the original name
Design Inspiration: Asmoleus is inspired by a hornless winged demon and his overall theme is based on fire and ash
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: 26th October
Age Group: Adult
Land of Birth: Land of Eternal Darkness. Currently, he is the only guardian of this land
Main Character Traits:
Special Features:
Special Abilities:
Enduring extreme heat
Resistance to fire, magma and lava, etc.
The Phanthera belong to Alexi B. (website owner)
Base used for the Phanthera by Xeshaire and edited by Alexi B. (website owner)