Name: Twyla
Name Meaning: Twyla is derived from the term "twilight". In this case it is mainly referring to the evening twilight
Species: Pomtriever dog (Golden Retriever and Pomeranian mix)
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 5th September
Age Group: Teenager
Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dusk
Shoulder Height: 34 cm
Weight: 19 kg
Love Partner: Haru
Children: None
Character Traits:
A bit Shy
Twyla can float in the air endlessly without using up any energy whatsoever. This means that she is able to fly whenever and wherever she wants and this is also the reason why she does not have any wings. She simply doesn't need them thanks to this special ability
She has the ability to conjure up and form the clouds in the sky and can create true masterpieces in the sky with it. She cannot make the clouds rain or anything similar like that. She can only build up and change the white fluffy clouds
She is generally known as a very talented artist, and she loves to draw and paint
She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent
She can produce and emit light form her whole body. That way she can lighten up the night in many different colours
Unlike other dogs, she can see almost all existing colours. She cannot see so well in the dark though
Twyla can only conjure up and form the white and fluffy clouds, she cannot make any changes to grey or other kinds of clouds. She is also not able to make it rain or snow
She is a quite sensitive and can get offended or upset pretty quickly. She also has some issues with taking any kind of criticism, especially if it refers to her artistic skills
Even though she has the incredible ability to float in the air endlessly, she still kind of wishes to have wings, especially angel-like ones. She thinks wings are something very beautiful and special and something to be proud of. Often, she is yearning for them and sometimes envy beings with wings
She gets bored quite quickly and easily so, she always needs some kind of activity or occupation otherwise, she will get dissatisfied. Art blocks are especially hated by her
Happiness and pure joy
Art, drawing, painting and all sorts of other creative activities
The sky and fluffy white clouds
Her family, her friends and boyfriend Haru
A lot of space to fly around and frolic
Having bird-like and other flying creatures as friends
Colourful and aesthetic things
Playing, games, toys and fun
Elegance and Grace especially while flying
Art Blocks
Boredom and not knowing what to do
Negative critic especially towards her art
Faded and dull things and places
Rainy, dark and cloudless skies
Too much seriousness
Any kind of violence
Too much drama
Further Information:
She has an entirely vegetarian diet, even though she is a dog. Her favourite foods are vegetables, fruits and nuts
She was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk a mystical land which is full of magic and fairy-like creatures. As the name implies, the land is in a state of eternal dusk. It is a very beautiful and peaceful place
She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She and Haru are couple and are very in love with each other. Their hobbies and magical abilities can be wonderfully combined. For example, Haru can write a story or poem, and she complements it with her beautiful drawings. Alternatively, he helps her in drawing in the sky by erasing clouds that she no longer wants to use or that get in her way
Twyla is still a Teenager and the youngest of the here introduced characters
Twyla belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Twyla was drawn, designed and adopted from milliebeadz
Her design was modified by Alexi B.