Name: Verdan
Name Meaning: The name "Verdan" is derived from the term "verdant" and means green, especially the kind of green that arises when many plants grow in a particular area
Species: Snail and dragon hybrid, they also have some feline and canine features
Gender: Androgynous and bigender
Day of Birth: 29th May
Age Group: Adult
Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Dawn
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Love Partner: None
Children: None
Character Traits:
A bit slow
A bit anxious
Verdan can retreat into their snail shell at any time. There, they are protected by a magical force field from almost all external influences, such as fire or electricity. Biologically speaking, they wouldn't be able to retract into this small shell since they have bones and a spine, but a special magical power enables them to do so nevertheless
They can make or help all sorts of plants grow, like flowers, bushes or trees for instance. Unlike many other creatures, this requires very little energy for them, and they can make numerous plants grow and/or heal them at once. The plants they create are especially colourful and beautiful and they are immediately distinguishable from other plants
Like Nippy, Verdan also possesses chloroplasts, which allow them to perform photosynthesis, which means that they are able to gain energy by either eating or photosynthesis
Due to their snail-like characteristics, they always need to ensure that their body, fur, and skin are adequately hydrated. Dehydration makes them feel uncomfortable quickly, and they may even become ill or temporarily losing their powers
They are an excellent swimmer and diver and loves spending time in the water
They are very soft and cuddly and a hug from them can feel like holding a secure and soft silk pillow which warms up almost any other creature's heart
They have the ability of speech and they speak and understand many different human languages of our world. Of course they are able to interact with their fellow species and other animals and creatures. They are even able to communicate with all sorts of plants. They do this through crackling sounds, scents, tastes, and electrical signals for instance
They are able to see in the dark and, unlike other snails and dragons, they can see almost all existing colours
Verdan is a very caring and kind-hearted creature, especially towards plants. The fact that they are not able to help all flowers, trees, bushes etc. makes them often feel bad and down. They wish they could help every plant thrive in full bloom
They'll always need enough water and sunlight supply. If they don't get enough of either of them the leaves on their body and fur will slowly turn brown and they will get seriously sick. They should not be exposed to the sun and water for too long; a healthy balance between sunlight and water intake is therefore crucial. Also, extreme heat and cold can quickly become problematic for them as well
Like Nippy, they have a kind of "wilted form", this form occurs if they dry out too much or are exposed to too much water for too long
They are not the fastest creature and take a bit longer for a bunch of activities. This is something that can sometimes weigh on them, especially when others become impatient or unkind because of it. They essentially don't want to be a burden to anyone, and that can make them quite insecure and anxious. However, this only applies to strangers or randomly encountered beings, all their friends understand and treat them with respect and love, especially their cousin Selene, best friend Charondo and close friend Felipix
They are a rather shy creature and need some time to warm up to newly acquainted beings. They also have a mild form of social anxiety and feel uncomfortable in certain situations, such as crowded places or certain types of conversations. If such a scenario arises, they often try to retreat into their snail shell as an escape, and once inside they will not come out so quickly again
The flora and making and helping plants grow and thrive
Colourful and pretty flowers and leaves
Having all sorts of plants as friends
Their sweet and understanding family, especially their cousin Selene and friends, especially their best friend Charondo and other dear friend Felipix
Cuddling and closeness
Water and swimming
Peace and quiet and places and situations they consider safe
Changeable weather, they love sunny and rainy weather. They do not like snow and strong heat though
Not being able to help and/or heal suffering plants
Hurt, withered, sick and other suffering plants
Any kind of violence especially towards plants and their loved ones
Places, situations etc. which make them feel anxious and stressed, like crowded places or when someone is stressing them out for example
Loneliness and lack of bodily contact
Too much noise and commotion
Faded and dull things and places with no flora whatsoever
Extreme heat and cold, like drought, ice and snow
Further Information:
They have an entirely vegetarian diet, even though they are half a dragon and have some canine and feline features. Their favourite foods are fruits and nuts which have been willingly given by plants. They are not required to eat though, they can also gain their entire energy by photosynthesis alone
Biologically, they are androgynous and they identify as bigender. They use "they/them" as pronouns. In addition they are pansexual, for finding love, gender is not important at all to them
They were born in the Land of Eternal Dawn. This place is very similar to the Land of Eternal Dusk, but the land is in a state of eternal dawn. Thus the sky, the landscape, the plants etc. look different. In general, the colours of the Land of Eternal Dawn are more pastel-like, while the ones of the Land of Eternal Dusk are more intensive and vibrant. When it's about their population currently, it is difficult to tell where the individual inhabitants come from, since both lands are strongly connected and networked with each other. This particular alliance is responsible for the fact that their creatures bear a close resemblance to each other. It is therefore as good as impossible to tell which being was born in the Land of Eternal Dusk or Dawn. Currently, Verdan lives in the Land of Eternal Dusk, since there, they can find more plants to take care of. But they often return to their home land, especially during summer time to take advantage of the many fantastic swimming opportunities there
In every land you can find the following rule: Every strongly marked anthropomorphic creature is actually a human being from either a different dimension and/or time, that's why these creatures are more human-like than other beings
They and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. They get along very well with their cousin Selene, best friend Charondo and their close friend Felipix. All of them often work together to help the flora thrive by combining their magical powers. Verdan helps the plants grow with the aid of their special magical powers
Verdan belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Verdan was drawn, designed and adopted from AnchorblueArt
Base used was made by _honeybeest_