Name: Zarina
Name Meaning: The name Zarina has both Persian and Slavic origins. It is derived from the Persian term "Zarin", which translates to “golden”
Species: Golden angel deer
Gender: Female
Day of Birth: 17th December
Age Group: Adult
Region of Birth: Land of Eternal Light
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Love Partner: Buckley
Children: None
Character Traits:
Quite vain
A bit snooty
Zarina is excellent at flying and can fly particularly high and far
She has the gift of telekinesis, which means she can move certain objects and even other beings just by using her thoughts. However, with other beings, this only works if they genuinely want it to happen
She has the incredible ability to influence other creature's dreams, but she only does so to vanish nightmares, to help others and/or to simply make them feel better
She is very photogenic and an ambitious model. Her appearance and look are pretty important to her. She is also very fashionable and loves helping others choosing the perfect piece of clothing and accessory
She has the ability of speech and she speaks and understands many different human languages of our world. Of course she is able to interact with her fellow species and other animals and creatures. She can even translate to a certain extent
Unlike other deer, she can see almost all existing colours. She can even see quite well in the dark
She can and will only influence the dreams of creatures that consent. If someone, for instance, is suffering from nightmares but refuses her help, she cannot assist that creature. The same applies to her telekinesis abilities
She is very ambitious and a bit snooty, she gets very upset when a certain goal could not be reached or when particular negative criticism was expressed towards her
She is quite vain and she hates it, when something on her body gets messy or whenever she notices something about her appearance that is against her standards
Beauty, style, fashion and aesthetics
Flying and other physical activity
The sky and the wind
Elegance and gracefulness
Precious, golden, shiny and sparkly things
Helping others, for instance, to overcome certain fears
Success, especially in her model career
Her friends and her boyfriend Buckley in particular
Any kind of violence
Dangerous and destructive storms
Nightmares and strong fears
Dirt on her fur and the like
When things don't go her way
Failures and setbacks of any kind
Hate, impoliteness and irreverence
Certain negative criticism towards her, especially towards her look, choice of fashion etc.
Further Information:
Zarina was born in the Land of Eternal Light. A heavenly and placid land full of very high mountains and full of angel-like and/or feathered-winged creatures. Here, the sky reigns above all. This land is in a state of eternal light, thus, the sun never sets in this land. Currently, Zarina lives in the Land of Eternal Dusk with Buckley
She met Buckley in his home land the Land of Eternal Dawn. She met him when she travelled there for a photoshoot. It was love at first sight. He asked her out and one thing led to another until they eventually became a couple. Shortly after, both decided to move to the Land of Eternal Dusk. Buckley because of the lush forest and the big meadows and Zarina because of the paradisaic and vivid sky and landscape which is perfect for photoshoots
In every land you can find the following rule: Every strongly marked anthropomorphic creature is actually a human being from either a different dimension and/or time, that's why these creatures are more human-like than other beings
She is anthropomorphic and thus very human-like, but can still do typical “deer-like” things like deer-like grunting, running quite fast and much more
She and every here presented Land of Eternal Dusk resident are good friends. She feels particularly close to her dear friends Alette, Suzette, Azuka, Lilin and Liane. She has a kind of love-hate relationship with the former. Both of them share some similarities, such as their love for looking good and their vanity. However, Alette is somewhat envious of Zarina because she has an almost perfect relationship, while she does not. Zarina, on the other hand, feels a bit envious of Alette because she has such beautiful hair and sparkling fur. This can lead to the occasional argument. Fortunately, they always manage to find a way to reconcile
She has a vegetarian diet. She eats grass, vegetables, fruits, nuts and much more
Zarina belongs to Alexi B. (website owner)
Base by Saberghatz, edited and coloured by Alexi B.